However, it isn’t just one person who makes it all happen. With a website, shop, 5 Facebook groups, workshops and clubs, we are full community and here to stay. Handmade magical oils, powders, incense, spell supplies, candles, aura sprays and much, much more. With everything you need for both traditional hoodoo rootwork and spiritual sanctified items.
We are able to provide you with full spiritual services including advice for your request. You Can reach Goddess Esther on email on this Website
Attention to all buyers from Goddess Esther An Authentic, Full-Service Botanica Thank you for allowing me to serve you and thank you for your patience! I will not rush the creation of YOUR items-I want them to be the BEST I can make for YOUR workings! After all, this is all about YOU! Custom orders may take up to 20 business days. Please allow at least 28 BUSINESS DAYS for your 100% unique, hand-crafted spiritual items to be created!
Remember, EACH item is created for YOU when you order-which is why you ordered from Goddess Esther in the first place, right? NOTHING is pre-made here! If you can not take the time to actually read my site, understand my process and what you are agreeing to, please, take your business elsewhere.
ANYONE who knows me, via my personal life or business, knows I work 80 hours a week. I often work weeks in a row with no break, doing my best to get your orders and services out. By complaining about the shipping time, WHICH YOU AGREED TO AND WERE MADE AWARE OF, you are telling me that I am not working hard enough or fast enough for you.
All emails that contain even the slightest tone of rudeness about shipping times will now have their order refunded, without reply, and IP address blocked.
If you don't have time for me, then I don't have time for you. I do not provide instructions or labels with orders. When you get your order, you let us know on Watsap on +353 899545833 by text or call and we will give you the instruction. However, most of my descriptions provide you with plenty of uses, ideas and cultural/historical significance of my items. It is reasonably assumed that if you are purchasing an item, you know what it is.
Typically, clients purchase an oil as an ingredient for a specific working they want to perform. I can not give specific instructions for the items you purchase as I do not know what your goals or practices are and there are dozens of ways to use oils. I DO NOT provide "spells" to clients. All of my oils (with the exceptions of those containing camphor or cayenne) can be applied to the body.
They can also be added to floor washes and baths, used to dress candles, anoint charms and statues, feed mojos and gris gris, used as an ingredient for workings and other formulas, and used as offerings. Please use your own creativity, research, traditions, intuition to use these items in the best way for you! Good old fashioned workings are what you will find here.
No fancy packaging just a lot of hard work passed down from my family to yours. All mojo bags are hand sewn, all powders are hand crushed and mixed, most herbs and roots are native, organically grown and harvested by me, and all oils are original, copyrighted recipes (except traditional oils like Van Van, etc.).
I want you to know, I have spent half of my life learning and making this itemy. Any supplies that are not hand-made were acquired through reputable sources that my family has worked closely with for years. My descriptions will tell you of my research and experience with each item; I use these items myself and know the history behind them. You can't learn unless you have good information.
So, what do I do here? I'm all about hard work, living right, giving, and worship. If you do those four things, or just strive to do them, the world is your oyster! There is no bad habit you can't break and nothing you can't change! I don't sell miracles.
My items are designed to change your mindset, encourage and empower you. With my items, you can determine a goal, create a ritual, and start the transformation. Then, we'll tempt the fates to smile fortune upon you. All products are sold as curios. They are for SPIRITUAL purposes only.
I am not responsible for usage, reactions, or outcomes and my products are not substitutes for legal, psychological, medical, or financial advice. I reserve the right to change any listing or policy at any time without notice. * All waters and oils are hand-made. They may settle or separate. Shake all products before use to ensure proper distribution of oils and herbs. *All custom items and orders may take up to 8 weeks to create.
The world was created for human beings to live with peace and harmony and enjoy the treasures of the nature. But human soon turned this world into a place of harm. The modern day world is a place of danger and fear. The progress in human knowledge has brought an ease and comfort to life but on the other hand it has also opened the doors to utilise this knowledge to work with negative energies.
Every human invention does possess a threat to the well being of a person. With atom we can create electricity to remove darkness and also cure for various diseases but on the other hand human is using the negative energy of the atom to destroy other nations and to kill innocent people.
Life is not an easy journey. Majority of us do face lots of hurdles in day to day life. Failures in various matters of life bring mental and economic instability. Most of us never pay attention to these hurdles and failures. Many of us consider these failures and hurdles as part our destiny. Some never pay attention to these though living a miserable life. We never ask this question to ourselves that are these obstacles and failure have been sent to us by other people?.
What is the reason behind misfortune in life?. Why we are bound to face problems and jinx in every matter of life?. Is it happening due to some rough tide of life or these rough tides have been made to make us suffer?. The objective of this article is to provide useful information to our readers on various types of magic, physical and psychic attacks and how we can protect ourselves from these negative forces so that our life is not ruined.
Spiritual Cleansing Herbs. God Heals if you believe Our Esabod Spiritual Herbs contain organic ingredients, sourced from organically registered companies They contain a mixture of Spiritual herbs (roots, seeds, bark & flowers), flower essences, hydrosols, essential oils, and homeopathic remedies. No medicinal properties are claimed for any of these items but they can help in the maintenance of good health. Whilst we are happy to discuss any spiritual health problems you may be experiencing with you, we are not allowed by law to either offer a diagnosis or prescribe any treatments and may only give general information and teach you how to look after yourself cleansing magically and spiritually with the help of Universe If you are in any doubt about your health you must always consult your Doctor in the first instance. Health is not the absence of Disease. It is a state of Physical, Moral and Spiritual well being.